Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Garden Update

I realized today that I haven't talked about anything but meat for a couple of weeks, so I decided to get crazy and talk about the veggies in my garden. I spent a couple of hours a week ago Sunday putting stuff out. I tried hard to space everything appropriately, so maybe I'll get better growth this year.

I set out nine each of broccoli and collard greens. One broccoli plant has been eaten (by a rabbit?), but the rest are still there, and not dying. I also planted seeds for lettuce, radishes, kohlrabi, carrots, and potato slips. I think the lettuce is sprouting now (something is growing about where I put the seeds), and I should see radishes soon, too. Lettuce and radishes have been my best crops the last couple of years, mostly because they produce in a month or so, and they are hard to screw up. Actually, the only way to mess them up is for them to get too hot, and I really can't control the weather, so I expect good results from these two.

I'm not holding my breath for the carrots or potatoes, because they take forever to sprout. It takes three weeks to get carrot seedlings up, and it takes about a month for potato plants to start poking up. We'll just have to see how these things come along.

I enjoy seeing something happen in the garden, even if things happen slowly. Once again, I'm hopeful that I'll get some nice food from the garden. Right now, things are on schedule--the seeds have been planted, and some of them are sprouting. It's a nice time of year to have a garden.

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