Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's been a while

I've had a very, very busy fall, so the blog has kind of fallen by the wayside. On September 19, L delivered twins--fourteen weeks premature. Instead of growing / hunting / processing / cooking food, I spent most of the fall visiting the boys in the hospital. They came home just before Christmas, and are doing well. I'll have a little more time now to do fun things and post them to the blog (although twin babies take a lot of time, too).


DC said...

Glad you are back Cosin.
I have been reading more in the newspapers about how consumers are looking for 'locally' grown food. Seems to be replacing 'organic' as that label is being more widely banded around and is loosing creditability.

Dr. Bubba said...

Welcome back. Congrats to you two on those babys! What a blessing.