Saturday, December 09, 2006

Turkey Update

I got a little busy, and forgot to update the last turkey post. Here is a photo of the whole flock (minus three big toms)

Here is a Narragansett:

Here are a couple of Royal Palms:

Here is a Bourbon Red:

I had a couple of bronzes (they look like wild turkeys), but I forgot to take pictures before they were processed. Here's the only picture I have of one of them, from Thanksgiving Day:

Finally, I'll post a couple more group shots. They're lousy photos, but they are the best I could get of the toms strutting. They are pretty shy, and won't strut unless there is something between me and them. They capture a little of what the strutting birds look like, just to give a flavor. (I've also noticed that the neater a breed looks, the harder it is to get close.) Now I need to get a recording of the whole bunch gobbling at once.....

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